The long awaited, much anticipated concert of my summer finally arrive. Of course, once again, I was blown away by the local performance by my favorite band, Widespread Panic.
Tom came from New York to see the show, we met up with Phoebe, and others, great to see so many familiar faces again. It's not at all like the Grateful Dead scene of yesterday, but there are some similarities that I can't quite put my finger on. Could it be that other "Deadheads" grew up and became "Spreadheads"? Whatever it is, they are all good people, some of the coolest that I have ever met.
Another familiar, but not surprising, face in the crowd was Bill Walton, he was kind of hard to miss. We weren't allowed to use flash on our cameras, but Tom, who took over camera duties, got some great video and pictures throughout the night. See the whole album here.
The permanent addition of Jimmy Herring to the band has really made an impact over the last couple of years, the guys really seem to be coming together. Jimmy is by far one of the best guitarist ever. I love that unique personal contribution that only Jimmy can provide.

I've got a fun filled week planned ahead, with parties and more concerts so, stay tuned, or check back, or whatever is the "thing" to say.
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